05:04 May 23, 2024

Etienne Campredon

Sustainable Messaging/ Value Chain Transparency/ Waste Recycling

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€9.16 Hourly price

Strong experience in sustainable procurement, risk management, sustainability performance assessment, and supply chain change management. • Experties in business & sustainability strategy, environmental data collection & analysis, process creation & documentation; .

From Portugal
Member since 2024-05-15 08:28:28

Expert profile

Transparency Initiatives
Sustainability and Strategy Consultant with 4+ years of experience
Disclosure Practices
Sustainability and Strategy Consultant with 4+ years of experience;
Waste Minimization Plans
Sustainability and Strategy Consultant with 4+ years of experience

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About Etienne

Skills & Expertise
Environmental Impact Waste Reduction Techniques Corporate Transparency Cooperate Communication Guideline Code of Chain DNA Tracing Supplier Declaration Letter Waste Analysing
Transparency Initiatives Disclosure Practices Waste Minimization Plans
Spoken languages
English French Spanish
  • Education :-
Industrial Information
Proficient in
  • Industries :-
  • IT
  • Financial Services
Your Expertises
  • Expertises :-
  • Supply Chain Transparency:4.0 years
  • Risk & Crisis Management:4.0 years
Work Experience
Total Experience
  • Experience :-
  • Textile industry – Consultant – Risk assessment 03/2021 – 05/2021: NA • 2021-03-01 To 2021-05-31: Context: Realization of an ESG risk analysis on the client's supply chain • Definition of an ESG risk assessment methodology for the supply chain; • Realization, coordination and analysis of suppliers' answers on a self-declaration questionnaire related to ESG risks; • Selection of suppliers for further investigation and conducting interviews with the selected suppliers.
  • Cultivated Biosciences (Freelance) – PMO – CEO 08/2022 – 10/2022: NA • 2022-08-01 To 2022-10-31: Context: PMO for the creation of a consortium aiming at obtaining a European funding of 2 Mn€ • Search for and obtained two partners for the creation of a consortium; • Coordination of partners; • Conducted multiple stakeholders meetings; • Coordination of the consortium topics (NDA, IP,...) ; • Assisted in writing the funding proposal.
  • Deloitte (Deloitte) – Project Manager – Sustainability 2020 – 2022: NA • 2020-01-01 To 2022-12-31: Context: Development of a methodology for analyzing and monetizing supply chain risks (360°) related to minerals and metals • Project management, timeline, budget and task allocation by expertise; • Business case (competitive analysis, market study, benchmark); • Market research; • Quarterly pitch to the Executive Committee; • Search for internal funding (> 150 k€ + missions); • Search for partnerships and internal and external sponsors for the development of the project; • Facilitation of collaborative workshops (design thinking) and working meetings;
  • International Sports Event (Deloitte) – Consultant – Environmental Excellence 2020 – 2022: NA • 2020-01-01 To 2022-12-31: Context: Operationalization of the responsible purchasing strategy • Definition of the process for the drafting and evaluation of responsible specifications, including the environmental and social criteria considered as priorities; • Clarification of the roles and responsibilities of the departments in the drafting of the different parts of the specifications; • Definition of tools for operational monitoring throughout the duration of the event (including the end of life at the time of dissolution); • Proposal of extra-financial indicators (CSR) to evaluate the performance of suppliers and service providers; • Monitoring plan and procedure for auditing suppliers.
  • Swoopin (internal) – Sustainability Manager – Logistics 03/2022 – 05/2022: COMEX • 2022-03-01 To 2022-05-31: Context: Carbon assessment • Establishment of the calculation methodology of Scope 1, 2 and 3 calculation (following Bilan GES and GHG protocol); • Set up of Sweep tool; • Set up of data points to collect and roles within the company; • Selection of emission factors and formulas to apply; • Definition of a 4 years roadmap towards carbon emission reductions (involving carbon credit purchase); • Training provided to the company employees and COMEX
  • Luxury actor (Deloitte) – Project Manager – Procurement 05/2022 – 12/2022: NA • 2022-05-01 To 2022-12-31: Project management (retroplanning, budget, staffing, customer relationship); • Ownership of internal policies and processes through reading and interviews; • Mapping and prioritization of purchasing categories; • Collaborative workshops to align with the vision; • Collaborative workshops to integrate sustainable development criteria into existing purchasing processes; • Formalization of the actions and the pace of deployment of the transparency tool in collaboration with the tool's provider; • Training, awareness-raising and negotiation with suppliers to involve them in a transparency approach.
  • Several industries (Deloitte) – CSR Auditor – Sustainability 2018 – 2022: Louis Dreyfus Commodities, Vinci, L'Oréal, Kering, Bolloré, Imerys, Unibail, Dassault, NRJ Group, Olympique Lyonnais, Sequana, Mr. Bricolage; • 2018-01-01 To 2022-12-31: Context: Regulatory Audits (DPEF, ex-CSRD), Establishment of procedures, collect and analyses of environmental and social data • Example of clients : Louis Dreyfus Commodities, Vinci, L'Oréal, Kering, Bolloré, Imerys, Unibail, Dassault, NRJ Group, Olympique Lyonnais, Sequana, Mr. Bricolage; • Location of site audits: Europe, West Africa, America (North and Latin) - on industrial sites and head offices; • Evaluation of verification procedures and audits of social and environmental performance of listed and unlisted companies in France and abroad within the framework of the DPEF; • Development of the quality procedure required for COFRAC accreditation to be qualified as a certification body for the SRI label; • Review of carbon certification for major industrial groups. • Development of a reference framework and a supplier audit tool to qualify situations of non-compliance with fundamental human rights at work.

Education Document
  • Certificate :-
Business Detail
Help us understand more about the business
  • Company Name :- Etienne Campredon
  • Company User Name :- EtienneCampredon
  • Website Url :- NA
  • Type :- Self Employed
  • Linkedin ID :-
  • Public ID :- 17AF77186
  • Text ID :- NA

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